The RTL Pak is a set of redistributable dynamic libraries, primarily Delphi (6 to 2009) and C++ Builder (5 to 2009). Non-programmers may find it useful if the program doesn't work without one of these libraries. A common problem with C++ Builder programs is that they don't work without cc32?0.dll. The installer puts the kit in the system directory and does nothing else. The kit can be useful for developers as it unties their hands to use dynamic linking for standard libraries more often. An empty project with a form becomes about 30Kb.
If you remove the debugging information and pack it, even less. To bring this feature closer, RTL Pak should be distributed in the same way that Codec Packs, new versions of DirectX and .NET Framework are distributed: on CDs with software, through local networks, etc. In this sense RTL Pak does not differ from them. Included are: rtl60.bpl, vcl60.bpl, rtl70.bpl, vcl70.bpl, rtl90.bpl, vcl90.bpl, rtl100.bpl, vcl100.bpl, rtl120.bpl, vcl120.bpl, cc3250.dll, cc3250mt.dll, cc3260.dll, cc3260mt.dll, cc3270.dll, cc3270mt.dll, cc3280.dll, cc3280mt.dll, cc3290.dll, cc3290mt.dll and some others.
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