SilentNotes is a notes app. Store your notes locally or sync them through a custom cloud storage. It is distributed completely free, with no internal advertising and open source.
Write a variety of information in a WYSIWYG editor with basic formatting capabilities and sync notes between your computer and Android smartphone with end-to-end encryption for data protection. The app works with a variety of cloud services including WebDAV, Dropbox and GMX. What's more, it also supports FTP.
SilentNotes encrypts notes before uploading them to the cloud by default. If necessary, this option can be disabled in the settings. It is also worth noting that the program offers a choice of two encryption algorithms AES256-GCM and Twofish256-GCM.
As for working with the notes, everything is pretty familiar here. You can change color, add emoji, change their order etc.
The application is not anything supernatural, it is a good note manager which can be used both on the computer and on a smartphone.
This application is available to all Windows 10 users.
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