Small Editor is a simple text editor with an advanced set of functions. Designed to work with both text and source code of different programming languages. It has a user-friendly interface without unnecessary elements. This editor is suitable for both ordinary users and developers. It has all usual tools for working with text or code, and can export to PDF, HTML, RTF and TeX formats. As mentioned above, Small Editor supports different programming languages, and has a syntax highlighting function for efficient work with code. The following languages are supported: HTML, JavaScript, PHP, C/C++, Python, SQL, XML, etc. It also supports several encodings: UTF-8, UTF-8 (NB), UTF-7, Unicode, ANDI and ASCII. Additionally the editor supports plugins. Using them, you can expand and customize the program according to your needs. You can also adjust its appearance, change fonts, colors, indents, etc. And thanks to the tabs, you can open several documents in one window and work with them in parallel.Download Small Editor from our website: it's free, safe and fast.