SP-Studio Offline is an American animated series. It has been produced by the Comedy Central cable channel since 1997. The plot is based on the adventures of four boys and their friends who live in the small town of South Park, Colorado. The series pokes fun at the shortcomings of American culture and current world events, as well as criticizing a host of deep beliefs and taboos through parody and black humor. "South Park" airs late at night and is positioned as a cartoon for adults.
The show is famous for its coverage of current world events. Work on each series is done in two stages: in the first, the writers come up with a general concept and plot, and in the second, less than a week before the premiere, they finalize them in detail, which allows a quick response to the news.
To date, 15 seasons of the animated series have aired. Beginning with the eighth, all subsequent seasons of the show are released in two phases: half in the spring and half in the fall, with a break in the summer.
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