"Google Assistant has become a real-time translator

14 December 2019

Do you like to travel to other countries? It's inconvenient if you don't know a foreign language. However, progress does not stand still. The developers at Google have unveiled a curious new feature.

Image from cultofmac.com

The company has coolly updated the Google Assistant. The voice assistant has become a real translator. It can speak 44 languages. Russian, by the way, is no exception.

Everything happens in real time. Just ask the Google Assistant to speak Spanish, for example. The program will listen to you and say the phrase in the local language.

It's a similar story with the answer. The smartphone will automatically decipher the speech of the interlocutor. Google will also take care of exchanging pleasantries, thanks, and so on. All you need to do is choose the appropriate template.

Image from wired.com

By the way, you don't have to communicate by voice. You can type text using the keyboard. The operating system does not play a role. The function is available on iOS and Android.

What do you think of the update?