Google is going to simplify two-factor authentication

17 July 2017
Starting this week, Google will start sending out invitations to users who choose two-factor authentication to try out the new, simplified and more secure account login method. Users will be given a small demonstration of how the new mechanism works, which they can set by default, or revert to the old SMS method. "In general, this was done because verification via SMS and one-time codes is more vulnerable to phishing attacks," Google said. "By switching to account authentication instead of SMS, administrators will be able to ensure that their security policies are enforced on the user's device and authentication is done through an encrypted channel." Google said the company will only start sending invitations to those using two-factor authentication, and this will happen gradually over the next few days. The new method will be available to users of Android and iOS, although in the second case it will be necessary to install the application Google Search. Those who use the usual method of logging into your Google account, this innovation will not affect, as well as enterprise domains. The company also clarified that even after choosing a new method of authentication, it will be necessary to activate it again after six months.