Huawei unveiled a data backup device with built-in charger

22 October 2018

Huawei has presented another curious device. It is designed to backup data from the smartphone and is positioned as an accessory to the gadgets of the Mate 20 line.

The device has a built-in 1TB storage for data backup. It will be especially useful for those who fear for the privacy of personal information when storing it online, as well as in cases where the speed or stability of Internet access leaves much to be desired. It is reported that the process of creating backups as simple as possible: to run it, just connect your device to your smartphone.

Another nice feature of the novelty is the built-in charger. This can be used for creating daily backups of the new data simply by charging the device. The created backups can be easily transferred to a PC simply by connecting the device to it via cable.

Sales of the new device will start on October 26 this year. However, only in China. About the release date of the charger with data backup function outside of China - is not known yet. There is also no information about the cost of the device.