The Tamagotchi toy awaits a second birth on its own 20th anniversary

27 November 2017
Many people probably remember the popular Tamagotchi toy created by the Japanese company Bandai in the 90s. Some are still trying to find it on sale. It seems that very soon the futile search will come to an end. The creators of the toy, who have since managed to team up with Namco, are planning to bring Tamagotchi back to the market, but in the form of a mobile application.The mobile game will be called "My Tamagotchi Forever" and will be available on gadgets running Android and iOS. It's reported that the game will take place in the town of "Tamatown," where players will be able to take care of their pets and compare them to their friends' pets. In addition, the game will be able to develop their characters, and when passing to higher levels will be available new costumes, food and other items. It is interesting that My Tamagotchi Forever will be the game with augmented reality elements, like Pokemon Go. It will be distributed by the conditionally free model, which means free access to the game, but the presence of paid items and microtransactions. The release of new Tamagotchi is scheduled for 2018, the twentieth anniversary of the toy. Nevertheless, everyone can already register on the game's official website and take part in a lottery. The winner will get a chance to "become a source of inspiration for the creators of a brand new Tamagotchi, which will appear in the game for all to enjoy," whatever that means.