Mozilla will close Firefox OS app store as soon as this week

29 March 2018
As many of you probably remember, Mozilla announced it was discontinuing Firefox OS back in December 2015. At the same time, the smartphones running this operating system disappeared from sale. It seems that in the near future the company will finally "kill" its own operating system by closing the official application store.Mozilla decided to close Firefox Marketplace from March 30, 2018. From this day, owners of gadgets running Firefox OS will lose the opportunity to install applications from the official store. For many, this event means the final death of the mobile operating system. Recall that Firefox OS was first presented to the world back in 2013. It was intended for use on ultra-budget smartphones and was based almost entirely on free and open web standards. Mozilla representatives believed that the new platform would take part of the global smartphone market, because it would be able to offer affordable gadgets to people in developing countries. As practice has shown, these hopes were far from reality.