Huawei to unveil HongMeng OS at developer conference

05 July 2019

A major Chinese company is rumored to hold a conference for developers. The event is called Huawei Developer Conference 2019.

HDC will be held from August 9 to 11. At the meeting, there will be three main sectors: a speech by executives, as well as specialists of the company, a technoforum and Codelabs - the so-called "laboratory work". The conference will also cover the following topics: fifth generation mobile communication technologies (5G) and Internet of things.

In addition, Huawei will present its operating system, HongMeng OS. Recall, it will replace the Chinese brand's smartphone OS Android. According to some reports, the operating system began to be prepared back in 2012. Now the situation has changed, and the project was brought back to life.

На конференции для разработчиков Huawei представит ОС HongMeng

The developers' conference will touch on such important points as technology for the "smart" home, health care, as well as the AR/VR environment.

New Huawei technologies will be discussed at the "laboratory work". HDC 2019 participants will be able to communicate with specialists from the Chinese company.

It should be noted that since 2014, Huawei has been holding the Honor Cup, a Eurasian competition in the field of ICT. Anyone born not earlier than 1991 can take part in them. Lectures on various IT and ICT topics become available on the website some time before the competition. The purpose of such activity is to motivate self-education and development of professional skills.