Huawei will no longer be able to use the technologies of Intel, Qualcomm, Xilinx, Broadcom and Google. The fact is that the American authorities suspected the Chinese company of spying. And competitors do not mind to strangle such a giant.
According to some information, Huawei devices will be deprived of the Google Play Market. The smartphones will stop being updated, and the next devices will only be available with an ops version of Android.

Google is analyzing the checks that come to Gmail. This fact was noticed by journalists of The Verge.
It turns out that the company analyzes checks that come into the mail and collects them in one place.
Google claims that the information collected is in no way used for targeting ads.
Check out the "purchases" section. There you will be able to see all the transactions. You won't be able to remove them all at once; you'll have to mark them one by one and remove them from the list.