New Telegram service will require passport data from users

11 May 2018
It is reported that the Telegram team has launched a closed testing of its first service for the blockchain platform TON (Telegram Open Network). The new service is called Telegram Passport. It will be used to identify users in the Telegram ecosystem. In addition, such data can be instantly transferred to partner services. This will enable users to use certain services both within Telegram and when visiting their official websites. Naturally, to work with the service, users will need to first upload their identification documents. This may be a passport, international passport, driver's license or other documents. In addition, the service may ask the user to take a picture. The messenger team assures that they will not have to worry about the safety of personal data. The fact is that only the user will have access to the uploaded documents. The Qiwi payment system has already got access to the new technology. As for ordinary users, the service will open its doors to them very soon - in early summer.