Updated Windows 10 will run several times faster than the previous one

01 April 2019

The other day it became known about some features of the updated Windows operating system. Experts note that it will work twice as fast as its predecessor.

What will change after the Windows update? First, the so-called "live tiles". Representatives of the company considered the technology long outdated. In addition, because of it, it is not possible to promote more effective means of interaction with the system. In addition to the "tiles", some other features of the operating system are going to be removed. They, despite the active attempts to introduce them, remain unnoticed by users.

Обновлённая Windows 10 будет работать в разы быстрее предыдущей

The developers took into account all the pros and cons of the previous OS and noted that the new version of Windows 10 will be twice as fast as its predecessor.

New version named Lite can be expected in the coming months. Its presentation will be held in May. At the same time we will be able to try the public beta version of the product.