No sooner had fans of messenger communication recovered from the loss of Imo, Line, and BlackBerry Messenger than a new trouble appeared on the horizon. According to the Vedomosti newspaper, another of Pavel Durov's creations, Telegram, may be blocked in our country.It is reported that Roskomnadzor sent a letter to Telegram representatives requesting data required to enter the service into the register of organizers of information distribution. This means that the service administration will not only have to transfer information about the country of registration, location address and other data, but also to start complying with Russian legislation. Of course, first of all, we are talking about the requirement to store and provide information about users. It is worth adding that in case of refusal to fulfill the set requirements, Telegram will be blocked in Russia. Given the policy of the developers, the messenger has all chances to be blocked, which means - a huge number of users will have to look for a new service to communicate online. On the other hand, representatives of Roskomnadzor have not confirmed the information about sending a corresponding request to Telegram administration. According to them, this information is nothing more than simple rumors. Vadim Ampelonsky - spokesman for the agency, added that such events as the inclusion of certain services in the register, or their blocking, will definitely be commented. In connection with this, many users have already begun to prepare for the worst. If the blocking does happen, then in order to communicate with relatives and friends they will have to use other messengers, albeit at the expense of the level of correspondence privacy. Recall that other popular means of communication online are services such as WhatsApp, Viber and Facebook Messenger.