Roskomnadzor demanded to rewrite Telegram to meet FSB requirements

15 June 2018
As many of you probably remember, back on April 13 of this year, a court ruled to restrict access to Telegram in Russia. On April 16, Roskomnadzor began blocking it, but the messenger is still operating. In this regard, representatives of the agency suggested a new way to resolve the situation.As representatives of Telegram referred to the impossibility of providing encryption keys for users' correspondence, the agency proposed to rewrite the messenger. This was announced by a representative of Roskomnadzor at a meeting of the Moscow City Court on Thursday, June 14. According to her, the agency and the FSB have been making attempts to convince the Telegram team to make changes to the messenger's architecture over the past year. "We believe that the structure of any messenger can be changed to bring it in line with Russian law. Therefore, we believe that Telegram has the technical ability to provide keys for decryption," she said. It is worth adding that the Moscow City Court decided not to satisfy Telegram's appeal. Thus, the decision of the Tagansky District Court remained in force. It is unlikely that the Telegram team will agree to rewrite the messenger to transfer encryption keys to the FSB. What measures Roskomnadzor will take after that - time will tell.