The social network Google+ will soon cease to exist

09 October 2018
Many people jokingly call Google+ "asocial" because of its low popularity among users. Even the developers themselves confirmed this fact. According to the published data, 90% of all sessions on Google+ take less than five seconds. Due to this, Google decided to close its own social network. However, not for everyone.It is reported that the social network will be unavailable only for regular users. At the same time, Google+ will continue to be able to use corporate clients. Service closing will proceed gradually and will be completed only in August 2019, so everyone will have time to say goodbye to social network. It should be noted that the last straw that served as the reason for closing the social network, probably, was the discovered bug in the API Google +. Because of it, third-party developers could get access to confidential data of users. Curiously, the error has existed since 2015, but Google learned about its presence only in March of this year. The company's experts found no evidence that the security hole had been used or even known to any of the developers, so they did not notify the public about this finding.