Private videos from YouTube appear in Yandex search results

30 July 2018

As many may recall, not long ago Yandex indexed Google Docs, opening them to the public. Then, scans of users' documents turned up in the search results. This time, Yandex search will allow access to YouTube videos with a limited viewing mode.

Unlike recent leaks, this time personal data of users is hardly under any threat. Previously copies of important documents and text files with passwords and account data were in the public domain, but now Yandex search has allowed users to bypass the privacy settings on a popular video hosting site. This means that in Yandex and Yandex.Video search results it is now possible to find videos that are only accessible via a link.

Yandex representatives said that the search engine is still indexing only the open part of the Internet. That is, only those pages that are available when passing through links without entering your username and password. Thus, the responsibility again lies with the owners of sites.