WhatsApp made changes to privacy settings

07 November 2019

Unsolicited additions to WhatsApp group chats are a thing of the past. The dissatisfaction of users of the messenger has finally found a response from the developers. The privacy settings have undergone important changes.

Now you can choose who can invite you to WhatsApp group chats. To use the new option, go to the "Account" section of the messenger, open the "Privacy" tab, then - "Groups". You can select one of three options: "all", "my contacts" or "my contacts except". In the latter case, the user creates a "black" list himself.

It is worth noting that the third option was originally intended to be a complete ban on adding to the chats. But in the course of testing, users were exactly for the possibility of forming an individual "black" list of exceptions. The inhabitants of this list will be able to include the user in the group chat only by sending him an invitation in private messages. It can be accepted or rejected within three days. Then the invitation is automatically canceled.

Testing has been conducted since April of this year. Now the useful feature is available to everyone. Do not forget to update your messenger. And if you do not have it yet, we recommend downloading it here.