Yandex is testing a service that will help find answers to any questions

11 April 2018
Many people have probably used Answers at least once to search for information of interest. It seems that the service may soon have a worthy competitor from the company Yandex.The new service, called Yandex.Znatoki, has already been launched in test mode. It allows users to ask questions both on their own behalf and anonymously, as well as to answer questions from other users. The service also has a grading system. This means that the user can mark a question as liked, which will raise it up in the list and make it visible to more visitors. In the same way, you can rate the answers - those of them that will get the highest rating will be displayed above in the list. For convenience, the questions in the service are sorted by topic - "Auto & Transport", "Business & Law", "House & Living", "Food & Cooking", etc. Moreover, users can subscribe to the categories of interest, which will not only allow you to form a personal feed more accurately, but also to receive notifications about new questions and answers.