Download Joint Task Force

Joint Task Force

License: Paid
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Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7
445.8 MB


Joint Task Force is a game in which world terrorism is a hot-button topic; one need only watch any newscast to realize this with clarity. In peacetime, explosions rumble in the streets of cities around the globe and machine guns roar. How do we deal with the crazed fanatics? Should we set curfews and call on civilians to take up arms? But wouldn't such drastic measures aggravate the already tense public relations? After all, war is only attractive on the other side of the monitor...

Join the peacekeeping forces! You have a unique opportunity to lead troops in the most beautiful and realistic Joint Task Force strategy. Diplomacy is powerless, and only a furious lead storm can calm the unscrupulous rebels. Prove that people on Earth can sleep peacefully under your constant protection. - Together we are a force. Mixing different units together is the only way to get effective action from your troops. You can't crush sly terrorists with numbers, you need smarts and tactics here. - The battlefield is the Earth! The global war on terrorism has no geographic borders, the battles are fought in every corner of the planet.

You'll visit the Balkans, take direct part in the battles in Central Asia and the Far East. In the battles for the right of citizens to a peaceful sleep you have to go through five action-packed campaigns. - The sea is knee-deep, the mountains are shoulder-deep. Battles in the Joint Task Force take place in a variety of geographical conditions. Bridgeheads range from mountains with precipitous slopes and narrow paths to sizzling heat deserts. This range also includes the evergreen jungles, snow-covered fields of Siberia and the Far East. You'll even have to smoke the villains out of the caves! - War on the laws of the real world.

Virtually every object in Joint Task Force is interactive: you can blow it up, destroy it, overturn it, or ruin it in some other way. Some buildings, for example, are destroyed practically to the ground during combat. - Joint Task Force is one for all! You can play with friends over the internet or a local network. Eight people can take part in virtual warfare simultaneously, with Domination and Deathmatch modes ready for them. Nor does anyone forbid you and your comrades to join forces and play together against computer-controlled enemies.


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