Download Nimbus Note

Nimbus Note

For Windows

License: Free for Windows
Checked for viruses
Tested on virustotal
Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10
174.28 MB
Russian, English


Nimbus Note is an advanced program for storing various information. Use it to create notes with important or just interesting and useful information, and keep it in a clearly organized form. The program works like a service, so you need to create an account with your email address and password before you start using it. All the information you save in the program will be automatically synchronized with your account.

This means that if you install the program on another computer or mobile device, you will have access to all your notes. Nimbus Note offers a complete text editor to work with your notes. It has text formatting functions (font selection, color, size, etc.) as well as the insertion of images, tables and hyperlinks. In addition, the editor is able to format the text according to the sample. Using this function you can quickly copy the formatting parameters from one text fragment to the whole note or another fragment. You can attach attachments to your notes. These attachments can be office documents, archives, video files, etc.

Folders and tags are used to organize your notes in the program. You can create a folder structure of any depth (i.e. nested folders), for more efficient organization of information. And the use of tags allows better and more flexible grouping and sorting of information. Working in a team, there is often a need for simple and convenient information exchange. Nimbus Note offers an effective solution to this problem. You can exchange direct links to notes with other users of the program with just one button. In order not to spend too much time on searching for the necessary information you can use the search line. You can search through all of your notes or only in specific folders.

You can also sort your notes by date created, edited, size, title, etc. To protect yourself from losing information, it's a good idea to always have a backup on hand. This program can make backups of all your notes in a JSON or HTML format of your choice. Need a powerful yet easy-to-use note manager? Download Nimbus Note. From our website you can also download: - Nimbus Note for Android - Nimbus Note for iPhone - Nimbus Note HD for iPad


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