The function of creating joint broadcasts in Instagram became available to all comers

25 October 2017
Many people probably remember that a few months ago the Instagram team announced the imminent launch of the collaborative broadcasting feature. Some were even lucky enough to take part in its testing. And for everyone else, the wait is finally over and it has become possible to try out the new feature now.Recall that the ability to create live broadcasts in Instagram has been present for a long time, but previously you could only do it from one person. Now, the social network allows you to invite your friends and switch between them in real time. To add a new host, you just need to click on the new icon located in the lower right corner and then the "Add" button. After that, a list of broadcast viewers will open. By clicking on any of them, you can make him co-host and share the screen with him equally. In this case, the other viewers will still be able to give likes and write comments. It is worth adding that in order to disable the co-presenter or change it, you do not have to interrupt the broadcast. All this can be done in real time, with just a few taps on the screen of the gadget. The new feature is available to everyone in Instagram for Android and iOS version 20 or higher.