Google Assistant started saving query history, which can be edited or cleared

19 May 2017
At the developers' conference Google I/O, which has recently opened, representatives of the company told about the further development of Assistant. Very soon the assistant of the American IT-giant will get a number of new features, among which will be the input of requests using the keyboard, which will eliminate the need to say them out loud. Nevertheless, many users refuse to use such assistants, because they are afraid of saving records of their voice or search queries on developers' servers. Therefore, Google introduces to Assistant the ability to manage the history of requests. Recall that before this change, Assistant displayed the history of requests only for the current session. After its completion, the data became unavailable to the user. Now Assistant will save the history of requests. Unfortunately, it is not known yet, how old questions to Assistant can be found in this way, because their saving has been implemented only recently. It is worth adding that thanks to this innovation, users will not only be able to simplify the retrieval of this or that information, or to restore the picture of what they were doing on this or that day. Now with a simple long press on the request of interest, you can either change or delete it. However, in the latter case, Assistant will warn you that deleting the data will make it impossible to improve the quality of the answers provided in the future. Nevertheless, users who are afraid of being tracked are unlikely to find it a serious problem.All these innovations will be a perfect complement to the rumored introduction of Russian language support in Google Assistant. Judging by one of the images uploaded to the Allo messenger page in the Android app store, our compatriots will be able to communicate with the assistant in their native language in the near future. It is still difficult to say for sure when this will happen. Therefore, all we have to do at the moment is to wait and follow the updates.