Google Photos will get a manual bokeh mode

24 September 2018
I'm sure many people have used Google Photos at least once. It not only allows you to easily store photos and videos in the cloud, but also to edit them. It seems that in the near future the image processing capabilities will become even richer.Not so long ago, the developers added a new filter to their product - Color Pop. It helps to automatically select the central object in color and make the rest of the photo black and white. This effect is undoubtedly very useful and pleasant, but not everyone can use it yet. The company is still testing Color Pop and is preparing to soon make the filter available to everyone, along with another innovation. We are talking about manual bokeh mode. To put it simply, Google Photos will soon allow everyone to manually adjust the degree of background blurring in already created photos. While a limited number of users can try the novelty. After the end of testing, manual bokeh mode will be available for everyone. It's worth adding that Google Photos has already been able to replace full-fledged photo editors for many. We can only hope that the development team will continue to delight users with new tools for image processing and thus make their product even more functional and convenient.