Huawei considers Aurora OS as an alternative to Android

11 June 2019

The Chinese company may start using the Russian OS. Recall that from August 19, Huawei will no longer be able to install the Android operating system due to U.S. sanctions against the company. Google denied the Chinese giant technical support and updates.

The day before there was information that Huawei may start using the Russian "Aurora". The possibility of such a transition was discussed by Minister of Digital Development and Communications Konstantin Noskov and Huawei CEO Guo Ping before SPIEF.The Bell writes about it.

Huawei рассматривает ОС «Аврора» как альтернативу Android

The publication notes that along with the issue of using the OS there was the issue of creating a joint production of software and chips for Huawei devices in Russia.

It should be noted that China is already testing devices with pre-installed "Aurora".

What is this OS? It is based on the Finnish Sailfish, created by Jolla, co-owned by Grigory Berezkin, owner of the UES Group.

We should also remind you of another interesting detail: Google recently discovered a pre-installed virus in Android smartphones.