Dota 2 players will have to provide their cell phone number to participate in ranked matches

24 April 2017
The company Valve, known to many by such game series as Portal, Half Life, Left4Dead and a number of others, as well as its own digital distribution service - Steam, told about the upcoming update for perhaps its most popular product - Dota 2. The game will get a pretty significant changes, some of which may be negatively received by the community.The main innovation will be the need to link your phone number to participate in rating matches. The developers have taken these measures to avoid the situation with the appearance of more experienced players in the "rating", using the additional, less "pumped" account. It is expected that you will not be able to cheat the system: when you unlink a phone number from your account, its re-use will be available only after three months. This, however, does not mean that changing the phone number will make the player forget about the ranking matches: the number can be updated instantly. It is worth adding that the numbers indicated by players must be active, and online services that provide temporary numbers will not be supported. In addition, the update will bring single game selection back into ranked mode. This means that players will once again be able to specify that they prefer to participate in single-player matches.The most pleasant innovation will be the improvement of the penalty system. For example, the system of detection and blocking of bot accounts will be launched, the analysis system of players who intentionally succumb to the opponent's team will be improved and the corresponding penalties will be introduced. In addition, players with low priority will be banned from participating in ranked pick-up games. At the same time, the duration of such a penalty will vary, depending on the circumstances. For example, after the first offense, the offender will receive a ban for a few hours, and if you often get a low rating - for a few days. These are not all the innovations that will get Dota 2 after the upcoming update. Everyone will be able to get acquainted with them very soon: after May 4.