Apple has finally joined the Partnership on AI

30 January 2017
Many people may remember that last September, a project called Partnership on AI was launched to study the possible problems in creating artificial intelligence, and to help society understand this technology. At first, such giants as Amazon, Facebook, DeepMind (part of Google), IBM and Microsoft took part in it, while Apple was on the sidelines, causing bewilderment to many. It seems that the company's leadership has finally reconsidered its earlier decision.The Partnership on AI is expected to help develop solutions that can improve many aspects of our lives. It is not only about smart home systems. Special working groups are investigating possibilities of artificial intelligence in areas such as health, education or logistics. Recall that when the project was launched, Apple refused to take part in it, explaining this decision by its intention to continue the development and elaboration of new technologies independently. Recently, however, it became known about the American giant's long-term cooperation with the Partnership on AI, and now - about the official joining of efforts with other major IT corporations.