Mozilla management hopes to bring back the popularity of Firefox with the release of the new browser version number 57

08 August 2017
Mozilla Firefox browser requires no introduction and is well known to most Internet users. Its popularity gradually began to decline, after the release of Google Chrome and the "fox" adored by many moved to the background. Of course, the company's representatives were not satisfied with this course of events and for a long time they worked on an updated Firefox, which will be able to regain its old audience and possibly attract new users.To date, the market share of Firefox is only 13.83%. Chrome, meanwhile, has 63.47%. It would seem that to close the gap, not to mention grab the advantage, Mozilla experts have to present something incredible and, in their opinion, that's what will happen with the release of browser version number 57. It is already known that the program expects a complete redesign, as well as the appearance of functions of artificial intelligence. However, one of the main innovations will be the rejection of the familiar to all old fans of Firefox engine Gecko. Instead it will now be used Quantum, which should significantly improve the speed of the browser. Updated Firefox expects a number of other innovations. Among them are very controversial. Thus, it is reported that the company will introduce a paid membership model with the ability to subscribe to additional branded services. How successful will be the fundraising from users, we will know later - Mozilla Firefox 57 release is scheduled only for November 14.