Should small IT companies build DevOps?

10 April 2019

DevOps is something that only the laziest person in the world is talking about these days. This new trend in the industry has already gained a lot of popularity. DevOps is an approach in which developers and administrators work together throughout the production of a software product, from design to support. This concept eliminates the fragmentation of teams of engineers, where some write the code, others test it, deploy it, and oversee the operation.

One of the pioneers of DevOps movement in Russia is Irkutsk company ITSumma. We asked its General Director Evgeny Potapov whether small IT companies are worth trying to build a DevOps ecosystem by themselves and at what volumes (number of servers and projects) it becomes economically feasible and when it is better to outsource.

Evgeny Potapov, ITSumma:

- I think it depends a lot on what one wants and whether one has the competencies. A simple CI/CD stack can be assembled by yourself if you have someone who has done it.

Once again it all depends on whether a company understands what DevOps is: if there is understanding and some kind of already developed culture in development, then it is possible to export it, but if there is no understanding and company wants to make a trend - it will be difficult.

The conclusion suggests itself: think rationally and you will be happy.