It became known back in October 2018 that the social network Google+ was living out its last days. The reason is that it never became popular.

The very first closing date for Google+ was August 2019. However, last December, due to an API vulnerability, the date was pushed back, and now Google+ is closing in the spring. So, the final dates have finally been announced.
The shutdown of the Google+ social network will last more than one month. Starting February 4, users will be banned from creating new pages, profiles, events and activities there. On all sites will soon disappear the "Sign in with Google+" button. On some sites it will be replaced by the "Sign in via Google Account" button. Starting the same day, you won't be able to comment on Blogger using Google+. On March 7, this feature will disappear from other sites, too. The comments themselves will be removed on April 2.
After that, all pages will be deleted. Google will clean up content that includes photo and video files. Despite this, everything that was in Google Photos will remain there. The deletion will take some time, namely several months, during which the data will be available.

Users of G Suite will be able to use Google+ after all the changes. True, the interface will be updated and new features will appear.
In order not to lose your data, follow the following algorithm until April 2:
- Open the "Saved Data" page;
- If necessary, sign in to your Google Account;
- Next to the Google+ data that you don't intend to download, select the "Off" radio button;
- Click Next;
- Select the file type;
- Select the way you want to receive the data;
- Click "Create Archive."
Starting in March, the data - content, photos, author information - will be available for download.