The function of sharing information about the location in real time is becoming more and more popular. Thus, in March Google Maps began to provide this opportunity, a little later in the same month - Facebook Messenger, in June the list was added to Snapchat, and last week - Telegram. It seems that the developers of WhatsApp do not intend to keep up with the competition. In the official blog of the messenger, the developers shared information about the launch of the function of sharing geodata in real time. It is expected that the new feature will help to find each other faster, especially in unfamiliar places. In this case, users will be able to specify the duration of the demonstration of their location on the map and, if necessary, to complete it manually before the specified time. The new feature is available both in private, and in group chats. In order to use it, you must click on "Add" and select "Location". There will be a new option "Share geodata". In this case, if the function decides to use several participants simultaneously, their locations will be displayed on the same map. The developers insist that the exchange of geodata is absolutely safe and will not allow the leakage of data about the location of the user to third parties, thanks to the protection through encryption. All users of Android and iOS gadgets will be able to try the new feature. However, the distribution of the update may take several weeks.