Android virus can take photos, steal content and locate

12 April 2019

Experts have discovered a new form of the previously known dangerous Exodus virus. The malware attacks both iOS and Android users. Exodus gets access to the camera, can take pictures from a smartphone, as well as record sound using a microphone, and determine the user's location. In addition, the virus steals photos, contacts and other content from the device.

Hackers have been working on creating the virus for about five years. Initially, they embedded it in Google Play. Android OS has some features that make it easier to download the virus to it. However, not so long ago, the malware made its way to the App Store as well. Cybercriminals got hold of Apple's corporate certificate. This helped them bypass the company's app store security system.

Вирус на Android может делать снимки, красть контент и определять местоположение

Apple has now revoked the certificate. So if you haven't downloaded anything to your iPhone lately, the virus will not get on your "Apple" device. However, you should still be careful when downloading applications from the App Store to your phone. It is worth reading the reviews and assessing whether it is safe.