"Yandex has created a Google Photo counterpart for Android users

29 March 2019

"Yandex has upgraded the photo section for owners of Android gadgets. In the new version, the Disk photo section resembles Google Photo in terms of functionality.

In the updated version, the search works on the basis of computer vision. This means that users will be able to quickly find pictures of animals, food or landscapes, even if their names and descriptions do not contain such keywords.

Let's look at an example. If you type in a search for "Yandex. Disk, you type in, for example, "documents," all the relevant photos will be found. If you want an image with your pet, you should search for that query accordingly. The search works for those files uploaded to the cloud. If the photo is on the phone, then recognize that it is depicted and, accordingly, find it by request, it will not work.

The section with photos on Yandex. Disk will become a gallery with all the pictures and videos from the smartphone and the cloud. They are arranged by year and month, with an indication of where the photo was taken.

You can view and delete as well as upload and share photos offline. When the connection reappears, the program itself will finish what has not been done, the developers said.