YouTube is changing its interface

08 November 2019

YouTube has unveiled an updated interface for iOS and Android desktops and mobile devices on its blog. The update has already been launched and will soon be available in all current versions of the apps. So, what's the news?

The developers have tried to make sure that even before the launch of the video we can get as much information about it as possible. To do this, they have increased the length of the visible part of the title, made the covers of videos larger, increased the resolution of previews. Channel logos became more prominent on the home page to make it easier to identify the authors of the video.

In addition, the main page in the "Recommended" section now displays eight videos instead of five. YouTube has abandoned several sections on the home page, keeping only the most relevant ones - recommendations of hot news, music news, etc.

The delayed viewing feature has also been updated. Now you can queue clips for watching without interrupting current broadcast. To keep the pending videos in the queue even after you close the browser, you need to add them to the "Watch later" section.

In the dextop version of the service there is a function to reject channel recommendations, which was already present in the mobile application. To use the new option, you need to click on the button with three dots and there select the line "Do not recommend a channel. That's it, no more ridiculous recommendations with blind kittens!

YouTube has announced that the updates don't end there. Gradually, the desktop version will get all those convenient options that are already running in the mobile apps. If you don't have YouTube on your smartphone yet, we recommend downloading.