Download HandyCache


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Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows 2003, Windows Vista, Windows 7
0.94 MB
Russian, English, Ukrainian
A. Murancev


HandyCache HandyCache (HC) is a caching proxy server. It can often reduce traffic by up to 3-4 times. Reducing is due to its cache: once downloaded pages (files) are written to the cache and at the next request are taken from it, not from the Internet. As a result, both traffic and download time are saved. HC can cache any files transferred over HTTP protocol - even those not cached by browsers. Any browser (and other programs) installed on your computer can use the HC cache, which means there is no need to download the same pages several times to view them in different browsers. You will get control over the process of filling the cache and deciding whether to take the file from the cache or download it from the internet. HandyCache is flexible and can take it from cache, take it always from the internet or rely on whether there is a newer version of the file on the site. It can also block downloads (ads and other unwanted content), which is another big time and bandwidth saver.

HC can work through external proxy-servers, and different ones for different conditions.

The program can be used both individually on your computer and for distributing the Internet to other computers at home or in a small office.

I will not try to cite all the situations in which the NS can help, I will only give some examples.

You have a very slow or expensive Internet, you have to browse your favorite sites and forums without pictures. The NS saves you from this problem, you download the pictures into the cache once and they will be on your screen every time you need them.

You can visit the pages you want when you are a guest or at work and bring the cache home on a flash drive (the cache is transferred from computer to computer by simply copying the folders). And you can also carry the NS itself on the same drive, all its settings are stored in the files next to the program. At home you can browse the downloaded pages without connecting to the Internet.

If you liked the flash drive on some site, there's no need to look for a special plugin to save the flash drive. The flash file is already in your cache and the NS will help you to find the necessary file quickly.

If you have an unlimited Internet connection but limited speed, you'll need the NS again. You can occupy practically all the channel with downloads, and still surf in peace.

You can use one cache when you access the Internet from several home computers.

If you need to distribute Internet to the computers in your office, again the NS will help you. Every moderately competent computer user can cope with the settings of NS and you will not need to hire a system administrator.

Start to use it and after a while you will be wondering: how did I did without it?

To try HandyCache you need to download it, unzip it into a folder and run it. In your browser you have to set proxy-server on the port To start working this is enough: the default settings are suitable in most cases, and for fine-tuning you should read the documentation on the website of the program. The site also has a forum, where you can quickly get information on various issues related to the use of the program.


If you have information about available versions of the software, you can . send it to us.


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