Microinvest Cyber Cafe This is a new generation product for catering establishments, bars and restaurants that want to offer an innovative, fast, interactive and, most importantly, extremely interesting service to their customers. With Microinvest Cyber Cafe every customer with a cell phone can order without the need to install additional software, thus, in addition to demonstrating an innovative approach, the waiters' work is also optimized.
This solution offers a unique opportunity for all those who use laptops and mobile devices that support or have access to Wi-Fi network, to place their order without assistance of waiter. Thus, they choose, order and pay directly from their table, while the staff only fulfills their wishes.
The installation of this software product includes a wireless router, which is an additional bonus and convenience for customers, who are able to use such a network in the establishment that they have chosen.
If you have information about available versions of the software, you can . send it to us.