Download Music Examiner

Music Examiner

License: Paid
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Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows 2003, Windows Vista
0.6 MB
Russian, English, German


The Music Examiner is a program aimed at developing your musical abilities, especially the ability to grasp music on the fly and play it back immediately. It gives you the kind of practical experience that you can't get from textbooks, but can only get from playing music yourself. The 16-channel midi sequencer will help you apply your new skills to such interesting topics as polyphony (polyphony).

The Music Examiner program offers you the opportunity to

  1. Test your melodic pitch hearing. The scoring system will show you how close you are to developing your musical ear, and how accurately you navigate the keyboard to find the right pitch.
  2. The program tests (and trains) your musical memory. To do this, there are exercises to memorize not just one tone, but also melodic chains of two, four and eight notes. All tasks are generated by the program, so the repetition of sequences of sounds at each new activation of the program is excluded.
  3. The choice of tasks for a chain of two sounds in chromatic scale is an effective exercise in the ability to hear intervals out of scale, for the development of relative melodic hearing.
  4. The proposed choice of harmony introduces the basic natural harmonies. Classes in these harmonies will allow to develop hearing, based on the "sense of harmony" - the main direction in the development of musical hearing in solfeggio lessons.
  5. In the harmonies tasks knowledge of the notes of the scale steps is assumed. Mode of switching off the sounds not included in the selected harmony helps to master the theme "harmony and tonality", to serve as a hint for performance of tasks.
  6. Nurtures the ability to listen and point out in a particular selected harmony sound played. This skill depends on how developed the inner ear and memory, which must constantly keep "in mind" the steady sounds of the harmony.
  7. The choice of tasks for the chain of two sounds in the harmony develops both the sense of harmony (the resolution of unstable sounds into stable ones), inner hearing, and the ability to hear intervals in the harmony. The knowledge and ability to hear the melodic sound of all types of triads and septacchords in the basic form is given in the choice of tasks.
  8. "Music Examiner" provides for the report of the student to the teacher of solfeggio, because in the course of the lesson is created a file from which you can learn how many times during the reporting period the student was engaged in this simulator and how much time was spent on the lessons.
  9. All the results of completing the various exercises in the exam mode are recorded in a special file - the marks log for all types of tasks. This log will also serve as a basis for the teacher to give a grade for homework or when checking the accumulated skills in class.
  10. Automatically maintains a log of the time of work with the program, it is stored as a text file TimeLog.txt in the program folder (this file creates a shortcut to the Start menu in order not to search for the program folder in Windows Explorer). This file is created after the first entry of the purchased registration key when closing the program. This file can be freely edited manually or even deleted (as it will be automatically created or the new data will be appended at the end). This file allows a parent or teacher to control the time the child spends with the program.
  11. The program has a 16-channel midi sequencer that teachers can use as an editor to create musical pieces (including polyphonic pieces) used for lessons with students. In addition, teachers can participate in the creation of new exercises for this program. To do so, contact the author-developer. The program uses a midi synthesizer that is available on any sound card.
  12. As additional options, the program includes a metronome with visual indication and a continuous tone generator for tuning musical instruments.
  13. All basic help for the program is provided as built-in step-by-step instructions.

Limitations of free use

  • The program will require you to enter your reg. key and username each time you start.
  • When you exit the program, you will be reminded that the purchased program has several advantages.
  • The program is only able to run for free for 10 minutes, after which you can restart it and use it again for 10 minutes.
  • Free use of the program does not allow you to enjoy the ability to automatically record all of your activities and grades in your log files, but you can do this manually (for example, with a pencil and paper).


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14 years ago
I'm looking forward to an updated version, thank you!
15 years ago
Murat Dzhusupov (Yellow Gold Software)
Nevertheless, I took advice from music teachers when compiling assignments for the program. I plan to make future versions with the ability to create and independently publish exercises for this program. That is, teachers will be able to distribute or sell exercises for the Music Examiner (everyone should do their job, the programmer - to program, teachers - to teach).
16 years ago
Murat Dzhusupov (Yellow Gold Software)
Unfortunately, I've been playing by ear all my life (I've been working as a musician for many years), and I have no education. I think the more you play good music by ear, the more chances you have of becoming a good musician.
16 years ago
The child began to learn solfeggio in the Children's Art School. Please advise where to find accessible material for the 1st grade. Specialty: accordion.